Lower Owens Outing Sign Up – Kern River FF Club Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Lower Owens Outing Sign Up – Kern River FF Club Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Kern River Fly Fishers (KRFF) has invited us to join their outing.
If you would like to be part of the Pat Jaeger beginners clinic during the Lower Owens outing on Saturday January 25th, then please email Greg or call so I can put you on the final list. The cost will be $350 divided by the number of participants. They will be meeting at 9 am in the parking lot at the footbridge at the upper end of the wild trout section. You will pay directly to Pat at the clinic.
Also, if you did not already sign the list to have prime rib available at the Saturday night dinner in Bishop, please let me know by this Sunday so I can get the number to them.
Greg Anzalone
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