KFFC Family Picnic Walker Ranch CANCELLED Instead let’s go trout fishing in Sequoia Park
The KFFC Family Picnic to Walker Ranch has been canceled due to a sudden fish die off.
Lack of dissolved oxygen probably is causing the havoc.
The rotting fish stink.
New KFFC Family Picnic – Kaweah Crawl.
Instead, Saturday the KFFC picnic will be held at the LodgePole Picnic Area, see map below.
This will be the first Kaweah Crawl – trout fishing for 2019, in Sequoia Park.
Mark Cave will bring BBQ picnic style food: hamburgers, hot dogs, beans, chips, soda and water.
Please bring a side dish, chips or dessert.
12:30pm Lunch will be held at the LodgePole Picnic area.
There is a per car charge to enter Sequoia Park.
7:00am Caravan / carpool with Mark Cave.
Meet in front of McDonald’s, 1401 E. Noble, corner of Ben Maddox and 198, Mary’s Vineyard.
Contact Mark Cave 559-623-5338, mdcave@sbcglobal.net, if you can provide a seat in your vehicle or need a ride.
KFFC club member David Boggess, a top trout fishing guide for Sierra Fly Fishers Guide Service https://www. sierraflyfisher.com/ reports the wild water flows in the creeks and rivers in Sequoia Park are decreasing and becoming fishable. Ants, ladybugs, terrestrial pattern that float well are the go to pattern. He says “stay safe, avoid the fast white water, fish the slower pockets and meadows.” The trout are hungry.