Craig Ballenger Liquid Golden Trout and McCloud River

                                                           Craig Ballenger Cal Trout

                                                     2nd Friday of February 8, 2019

                                                                  (not 1st Friday)

2 topics tonight:

  1. Liquid Gold, the story of my research into golden trout in the high Sierra. 
  2. Enough is Enough, about the McCloud River, taken from my book, Shasta’s Headwaters.

5:00pm Dinner with speaker Denny’s 200 S. Akers St Visalia.

6:30pm Fly tying with the speaker.

7:30pm Program starts.

Craig is a native of Mount Shasta, California where he grew up climbing, fishing, and skiing.
He has worked for California Trout for the past 17 years.
He is the author of Shasta’s Headwaters: An Angler’s Guide to the Upper Sacramento and McCloud Rivers.
His writing and photography have appeared in periodicals across the