2017 Banquet Speaker: Bill Horst
Every year, Kaweah Flyfishers bring interesting speakers to our Fall Banquet. This year’s speaker is Bill Horst, a well-known artist and historian of the central-southern San Joaquin Valley and Sierra Nevada. He is knowledgeable about the customs and culture of the Yokut tribe. He has, since he was in the eighth grade, traveled over their trails and visited their rock paintings. Once he located an astronomical observatory in a cave east of Lake Isabella. It told the tribes when to leave their winter camp in the spring – and when to come back in the fall. The family shown at the top of this page was drawn by Mr. Horst.
Bill can interpret these pictures (or pictographs) to tell us what their message is. We may hear about the Shaman of Rocky Hill and what such a person’s fate may be when there is Shamanic medical malpractice. The Yokuts had no word for shoes other than the English word, but he may show us a picture of a robed man who is wearing them anyway. We might also hear that it is easier for children to see and say what these pictures mean. This should be an interesting evening for all of us; some may wish to bring their children or grandchildren along.
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